Saturday, November 29, 2008

Cherry stem knot

I was out shopping with Julia today and later on Ben came to join us and we had an early dinner to avoid competing with the rest of town for seats at a decent restaurant.

I noticed that I've been telling Julia to buy a lot of stuff - mainly stuff that she wants - so I'm starting to see myself as the devil that tells her to spend but I end up contributing to the economy indirectly so I guess I'm still doing a good thing huh?

We headed to Thomson shortly after to have ice cream with a few others at one of those late night cafes where I tried to tie knots with the stem of the cherries that came with the ice cream. The first attempt wasn't too good and I gave up and decided to eat my dessert since it was already melting. However, my second attempt wasn't too bad although it took quite a while but I'm pretty sure that practise makes perfect.
