Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Please let it be a short week

My New Year celebrations have been good so far and I think that having just 2 days of public holiday isn’t long enough. I got to meet up with relatives after a long time and thankfully didn’t have to put up with the “you got girlfriend” questions (or at least not as much as I was expecting). I guess the ang paos I get can kindda make up for putting up with those inane conversations.

Met up with Ryan today and it was supposed to be my treat but I think we both forgot about it (honestly, if you read this I only remember now that I said it was going to be my treat). He had a lot to talk about but I think I’m seriously forgetting how to use my brains because I was pretty quiet the whole time but today is the day that we decided that we’re gonna grow rich together! I still want my Rado watch though...

This week’s gonna be a short one and I’m hoping it’ll be a good one. I can’t wait for this weekend again because I need to shop! My MP3 player’s gonna die real soon; it’s starting to split apart from one of the corners. Anyone got any good recommendations? And remember, I hate touch sensitive stuff.