Sunday, August 24, 2008

Diva's birthday celebration

Today was the day we celebrated Diva's birthday. So this post will be all about Diva because he threw the stars into the sky, the sun shines for him, the moon revolves around him and saying stupid phrases is his forte. I'd have to say that the classic phrase would be "like Jesus said, keep your friends close and enemies closer" Hmmm...right...

We got him a present, a present which I was supposed to buy but my card got declined. Terribly embarrassing but again, this post isn't about me. It was a bag that he thought of getting when he was out with me on Tuesday, a tote according to him. I'm not a fan of totes, in fact I hate them and I don't see what's so fashionably great about carrying a bag around like a dumbell that does nothing but make you look ultra gay when you get tired of dangling it from your hands and decide to shift it over to your shoulder. I'm guessing he likes the present anyway mainly because it's from his wonderful friends.

That aside, I'd like to say that Diva's been great fun through the years. Truth be told, we're mostly laughing thanks to him. I can vividly recall the day when his sari got stuck in the wheel of a wheelchair and he panicked for the wheelchair. Or the time when he had a bad dye job and ended up looking like he had tiger fur for hair. Ok, I should stop this.

Btw, we all found out something about Diva today: he's a lefty. I personally didn't find it funny at all but Emma and Roy seemed pretty tickled by that.

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