Saturday, September 20, 2008

I got deflowered

I met up with my "entourage" at Bimbo Shitty this afternoon for lunch and Emma taught us how to play bridge when we were done. We were kindda hogging the table at the restaurant but we still had your fries to go and there were other empty tables as well so I didn’t see a need to feel guilty.

So bridge turns out to be the game that I absolutely love because it’s all about manipulation and it can also be kindda suspenseful but don’t ever think that there’s such a thing as a clear winner. Absolutely addictive but way too much to type here to teach you guys.

Headed home a little later than I planned – time really flies when you’re playing bridge – and I changed and headed out immediately to get deflowered – soccer wise.

I was a defender for my team, which was a good decision I guess. I can’t aim for nuts and my kicks have no power so I guess defender’s perfect for me. Just got to get the ball away from the opponents and pass it on to a teammate; sounds easy enough.

I just got this feeling that this isn’t going to be my last time playing. My initial plan was to go there and be a referee or a cheerleader but the plan failed and Plan B wasn’t too bad so I guess why not?

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