Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Sloth monster!

For the last couple of days I’ve been really pigging out, doing nothing much. Aside from yesterday, I’ve been taking something like 14 hour sleeps everyday; yesterday I had only 3 hours of sleep due to some family drama.

So I’m just really glad that last week’s over because I was so busy with helping a couple of friends with their projects. I had to help Diva with the writing of his report and I also had to help another friend with her filming and I must say that filming’s really tedious. You have to decide the camera angle, settle the lighting, position your actors, adjust the mic and then when you’re filming, actors have to deliver their lines, portray the right emotions, there mustn’t be any unnecessary noises, the mic must not appear on film, etc.

I just think that after last week, I deserve every minute of sleep I’m giving myself though I always wake up with a tint of guilt that I could have awoken in the morning and went for a run since I’m absolutely free and I’m sure it’d do my ass some good as well but then again, I don’t think I’d get much done by myself.

Anyway, Britney’s latest single ‘Womanizer’ is below. I got a good feeling it’s not out yet and I’ve no idea how it leaked out. But I think I much prefer ‘Mannequin’ to this but it’s slowly growing on to me.

And most importantly,HAPPY BIRTHDAY BITCH!

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