Thursday, February 26, 2009

I feel like SHIT

I’m going through a really unhappy phase of my life right now. It all started last Monday when I woke up feeling as if someone close to me had died. Some of you might have gotten my message asking if everything was alright. If you didn’t understand why I asked such a question, now you know.

So since that day I’ve been feeling like shit every day. I cry for no reason at all, my thoughts are constantly negative, it takes so much effort just concentrating on something that others may find effortless, I’m losing my appetite, having troubles sleeping; basically my life is on a downward spiral.

So on Tuesday (this Tuesday) I finally got to see a doctor about it and I was given 3 days of MC. I’ve spent those 3 days well, doing things that I’d call “happy things” and hanging out with close friends and my family but whenever all of that ends, I just go back to square one and my world is back to being grey.

I really hope that things get better and that I don’t decide to kill myself like hang myself from a tree or something. But even if that does happen, just be happy for me that I’m no long feeling like shit on a daily basis.

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