Sunday, April 05, 2009

New favourite show!

I paid Nick a visit today but it was just too bad that Justin couldn’t tag along. It was great to see him after 3 weeks and good to know that he’s doing fine and hanging in there. I really do hope he completes his course.

So that’s pretty much how I spent my day, having him show me, his family and girlfriend around the place and I must say that compared to hell, this place looks so much nicer and impressive. The facilities look so much better, the architecture has meaning behind it, it actually looks like a place fit for human beings to live in, and best of all, they have computers.

Anyway, I think I have a new favourite show and as you’d have guess, it’s all for the wrong reasons. This time the reason would be stupidity. Cheap budget and fugly faces are a turn off for me but somehow I seem to love stupidity to the fullest. You’d probably already have an idea of what show I’m talking about but I’m still not going to mention the name of it. You know me, I don’t advertise for free unless I think it’s worth it. The best clue I can give you is that it just premiered today.

I mean, in no other shows would you have girls talking seriously about how worried they are of their nails breaking or losing one of the crystals that have been glued on to their nicely manicured nails. If you were lucky enough to have caught the programme today for a good laugh, I sure hope you fell in love with the same contestant as I did. FYI my favourite is the one who looks like Miley Cyrus, the one who was upset about losing a crystal from her nail. OH BOO HOO! I’m actually seriously rooting for her because she’s so entertaining with her stupid comments.

I was just telling Diva about my favourite contestant and this is how our conversation went:
she’s fugly like miley cyrus but she’s stupid like...
she’s worse than you, truly

i am not fugly
n stop grinning
i was actually talking about the mental aspect
i wasn’t grinning. i was laughing out loud

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