Saturday, May 16, 2009

Life should be like wet shit

I got this feeling that I won't be able to hold my life together anymore. I think I'm going down the white trash road. I'm currently on sleeping pills because I keep waking up at the oddest hours and then I won't be able to go back to sleep. I really need to find a way to keep things together man...

For the record, I'm no vigilante at night like Batman nor am I a vigilante even later at night like Stripperella. Seriously, I have no idea how these people are able to have 2 lives even if they're fictional.

If I keep this up, my life is gonna crumble like dried shit and I don't want that to happen. I need to find a way to keep the crap moist! At least I don't have any plans to drill my brains out this time.... or at least not yet.

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