Monday, August 18, 2008

My father's stupid. What about yours?

Do you remember your first clubbing experience? I remember mine as clear as day but what I remember even better was what happened before that. The first time I went clubbing my father saw me leaving the house at 8 in the evening and 8PM isn’t exactly a decent time to leave home if you’re going to shop, even if there is late night shopping that day. So obviously I had no choice but to tell him that his son who just turned 18 is growing up, clearly doesn’t need his milk bottle anymore and that I was going to a place where people hook up, drink, smoke and dance to ear-blaring music.

To my surprise, it wasn’t a “no you can’t go!”, which is quite a miracle. But then his common sense – or what we refer to as stupidity – kicked in and he said “don’t take drugs ah...” Honestly, I don’t know which part of Singapore he’s been living in because I’m pretty damn sure that the rats in the sewers know clearly the strict laws the government has on drugs. Even IF I was going to take drugs, it’s not like I’d know anybody who’d be willing to sell it to me.

Today I got another one of his stupid advice. This time it was “don’t gamble ah” and it came after he clarified with me if I was the one who finished the can of beer yesterday. I really don’t get the connection between gambling and beer but if any of you know the connection, please leave a comment to fill me in on what I’m not getting.

Anyway, I was pretty annoyed with his stupidity so I told him off, bringing up the clubbing incident and he defends himself by saying “smart people” make these mistakes too. The thing is if they really were smart to begin with, they’d have known how to steer clear of such activities and influences not to get involved in them. Then I told him that he’s being all melodramatic and he does nothing but constantly insult his children’s intelligences and that’s where our conversation ended.

If you think that your father is more stupid than mine, do share your story with me because I’d really want to take whatever consolation I can get that the genes I inherited aren’t the dumbest genes in the world.

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